How to Apply for Canada Express Entry in 2023

If you’re considering immigrating to Canada, the Canada Express Entry program could be the perfect option for you. This program is an electronic system that manages applications for permanent residence from skilled workers.

In this guide, we will walk you through the steps involved in applying for the Canada Express Entry program in 2023. We will cover the eligibility requirements, the necessary documents and forms, as well as the processing time.

By following the steps outlined in this article, you will be well on your way to submitting a successful application and potentially receiving an invitation to become a Canadian permanent resident.

So, let’s get started by understanding what the Canada Express Entry program entails and the requirements needed to apply.

Understanding Canada Express Entry

If you’re considering immigrating to Canada, the Canada Express Entry program is a fast-track option that may be ideal for you. This program is the primary way skilled workers can obtain permanent residency in Canada. Essentially, the program allows for qualified candidates to immigrate to Canada without a job offer or a family member sponsoring them.

The Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) is used to assess candidates and assign them a score based on several factors such as age, education, language proficiency, and work experience. The CRS is a points-based system, and candidates with the highest scores are invited to apply for permanent residency in Canada.

Canadian Express Entry is a two-step process. Firstly, candidates must create an online profile, and secondly, they must submit an application for permanent residence. Candidates are ranked against one another in the pool based on their CRS score, and the highest-ranked candidates are invited to apply in regular draws.

How the Comprehensive Ranking System works

The Comprehensive Ranking System awards points to candidates on a variety of factors, including their:

  • Age
  • Education
  • Language proficiency in English and French
  • Work experience
  • Arranged employment
  • Adaptability
  • Siblings living in Canada (citizen or permanent resident)

The CRS score is out of 1,200 points, and candidates with higher scores are more likely to receive an invitation to apply for permanent residency during the Express Entry draws.

Candidates with CRS scores that match or exceed the minimum qualifying score for the latest draw are invited to apply for permanent residency. The minimum qualifying score for each draw is determined by the number of candidates in the pool and the fresh invitations issued. During 2021, the lowest CRS score was 75 and the highest was 752.

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Eligibility for Canada Express Entry

To apply for Canada Express Entry, you must meet certain eligibility requirements. These requirements include age, education, language proficiency, work experience, and adaptability.

Requirement Description
Age You must be under 47 years old at the time of application.
Education You must have a post-secondary degree, diploma or certificate from a recognized institution.
Language proficiency You must demonstrate proficiency in English or French by taking an approved language test.
Work experience You must have at least one year of skilled work experience in a NOC (National Occupational Classification) level 0, A, or B job.
Adaptability You can earn extra points for adaptability if you have a job offer, a Canadian education, or a close family member who is a Canadian citizen or permanent resident.

If you meet the eligibility criteria, you are on your way to applying for Canada Express Entry. However, it is important to note that meeting the requirements does not guarantee that you will be invited to apply for permanent residency. You must also have a competitive Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) score to have the best chance of receiving an invitation.

Step-by-Step Guide for Canada Express Entry

Now that you understand the eligibility criteria, it’s time to submit your application for Canada Express Entry. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you through the process:

  1. Check your eligibility: Review the requirements outlined in Section 3 to ensure you meet the criteria before starting your application.
  2. Create an online account: Visit the official Canada Express Entry website and register for an online account.
  3. Complete an Express Entry profile: Submit an online profile and provide detailed information about your education, work experience, language proficiency, and other personal details. Be sure to include all relevant details as this will impact your Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) score.
  4. Calculate your CRS score: Use the official Express Entry points calculator (as discussed in Section 5) to determine your CRS score.
  5. Submit your Express Entry profile: Once you’ve completed your profile and calculated your CRS score, you can submit it to the pool of candidates.
  6. Receive an Invitation to Apply (ITA): Based on your CRS score, you may receive an ITA to apply for permanent residency in Canada. If you’re selected, you’ll have 60 days to submit a complete application.
  7. Submit your application: If you’ve received an ITA, you’ll need to submit all required documents (as outlined in Section 4) and pay the necessary fees within the allotted time frame.
  8. Wait for processing: After submitting your application, you’ll need to wait for processing to be completed. The processing time for Express Entry applications can vary, but most are completed within six months.
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Remember to stay up-to-date on the latest Express Entry draws and results (as discussed in Section 6) as this can impact your chances of receiving an ITA.

By following these steps and ensuring all required documents are submitted in a timely manner, you can increase your chances of successfully immigrating to Canada through the Express Entry program.

Calculating Your Express Entry Points

One of the crucial elements of the Canada Express Entry program is the Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS), which assigns points to candidates based on several factors. These include age, education, work experience, language proficiency, and adaptability.

Calculating your Express Entry points can give you an idea of your ranking in the CRS and your chances of receiving an invitation to apply for permanent residency in Canada. The good news is that the Canadian government provides an official tool, known as the Express Entry Canada points calculator, to help you determine your score.

Factor Max Points
Age 110
Educational Level 150
Language proficiency 160
Work experience 80
Arranged Employment 200
Adaptability 10
Total 1000

As you can see, the maximum score you can get is 1000. Candidates with the highest scores are invited to apply for permanent residency during regular Express Entry draws.

Using the Express Entry Canada points calculator is simple. You need to enter your personal information, such as age, education, work experience, and language proficiency, and wait for the tool to calculate your score.

It is crucial to ensure that the information you provide in the calculator is accurate to get a realistic idea of your chances in the Express Entry pool.

If you are not satisfied with your score, you can consider taking language proficiency tests or completing additional education or training to improve your chances.


Calculating your Express Entry points is a crucial step in determining your chances of receiving an invitation to apply for permanent residency in Canada. Using the official Express Entry Canada points calculator, you can get an idea of your ranking in the Comprehensive Ranking System and take steps to improve your score if needed.

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Express Entry Draws and Invitations

Once you have submitted your Canada Express Entry application, you will be entered into the pool of candidates. The Canadian government conducts regular draws from this pool to invite candidates to apply for permanent residency. These draws generally occur once every two weeks, although the frequency may vary depending on government policies and the number of applications received.

To be considered for an invitation, you must have a Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) score that meets the minimum requirement for that specific draw. The CRS is a points-based system that awards points for various factors such as age, education level, language proficiency, and work experience. The maximum CRS score is 1,200.

The minimum CRS score required for an invitation to apply (ITA) varies with each draw. The higher the CRS score, the better your chances of receiving an invitation. It is important to note that even if your score meets the minimum for a specific draw, it does not guarantee an invitation. The Canadian government sets a specific number of invitations for each draw, and if the number of candidates who meet the minimum score exceeds the number of invitations available, then the government will randomly select candidates to receive the invitation.

If you receive an ITA, then congratulations! This means you have been selected to apply for permanent residency. You will have 90 days to submit your application, and you will need to provide all the necessary documents and pay the fees within this timeframe.


Congratulations on completing this comprehensive guide on how to apply for Canada Express Entry in 2023. By now, you should have a solid understanding of the eligibility requirements, application process, and how Express Entry draws work.

Remember, the key to a successful Express Entry application is to ensure that you meet the eligibility criteria, have all the necessary documents ready, and score as high as possible on the Comprehensive Ranking System. Keep an eye on the draw results, and don’t be discouraged if you don’t receive an invitation right away. With patience and persistence, you can achieve your dream of immigrating to Canada.

We hope that this guide has been helpful and wish you the best of luck with your Canada Express Entry application!

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